Parenting can be wonderful but also incredibly hard. I am a mama to 2 little kids and understand the ups and downs that is parenting. At My Family OT we are here to support you through your parenthood journey from pregnancy planning, pregnancy, birth and your parenthood journey.
OTs are holistic health professions so we will help you with any challenge whether it is emotional, mental or physical and how it is impacting on your ability to parent. At My family OT we pride ourselves on creating an environment where you feel heard and your needs are met.
We understand that it can be hard as a parent to get out of the house, so we can come to your house, see you at work, Tele-health appointments, walk-and-talk sessions or anywhere in your community you feel comfortable.

Emotional Regulation/ Sensory Overwhelm
As parents we can often feel touched out, feel angry at the drop of a hat, irritable towards the end of the day. We can actually be experiencing sensory overwhelm and our nervous system can be in fight/flight or freeze mode. We will work with your sensory system and nervous system to try and help you manage those tricky points in your day.
We will conduct a Sensory Assessment and discuss your sensory triggers, look at how to manage your sensory preferences to aid your regulation and investigate how your nervous system is regulating.
Matresence Support
"Matresence" is like adolesence to teenagers. It is a developmental process that starts from the moment you become pregnant and continues with you throughout your motherhood journey. It encompasses all the hormonal, emotional, psychological, physical and identity changes that occur when you become a mum.
We can feel torn between who we were before to who we are now. As a new mum I 1000% felt this ( and still do) but didn't know what it was.
Support is available to help you through your journey.

Parents with Health COnditions
I have over a decade of experience of working with adults who have chronic, physical, cognitive and mental health challenges that impact on their ability to parent.
An example is working with a young mother who was going through cancer treatment and needed practical solutions to help her continue to parent, or working with a mum who suffered a significant back injury during her birth and how we looked at modifying tasks and her environment so she could still parent.
Recently I have also worked with a parent who has ADHD and wanted sustainable practical solutions with managing returning to work and balancing her child's needs. A young mum who was suffering from significant mental health challenges however wanted to be able to shower her daughter again.

Early parenting physical and psychological support
Did you have the birth that you had wanted? 1:3 mums will have or feel their birth was traumatic. (I definitely did). Debriefing after your birth and planning for future births is incredible important in the healing process and former a strong attachment with your child.
Recovery from a C-section, episiotomy, perineal tear or other birth complication can have a significant impact on your early and later parenting days. We have the skills to look at task adaptation, equipment prescription, education, environmental assessment, psychoeducation to assist in your recovery and parenting.
Having a baby who has trouble feeding and sleeping can be incredibly challenging. As OTs we work with you and provide you with practical suggestions and developmentally appropriate education to assist you.

PArent Support
Having a child who needs extra support and is neurodivergent can be a difficult and overwhelming experience for parents. We offer specialized parent support services to help parents navigate this new reality.
Our Occupational Therapists understand the unique challenges of parenting a child with special needs and are equipped to provide guidance, resources, and emotional support to families.
Education and Skill building
My expectations of what parenting would be was so different to actual parenting. Social media and our communities can have a big impact on what we expect parenting to be, and the pressures we put on ourselves can be huge.
As a paediatric OT we specialise in child development and I am able to provide you evidence based education to assist you.

Women's Health
We offer a variety of services designed to address women's health and some of the challenges that we face specifically around menstruation, infertility, incontinence, menopause, endometriosis, female cancers (Breast, Uterine, Cervical...) and other conditions.
We specialize in providing personalized care that meets the unique needs of every family we serve. Contact us today to learn more.

Are you a Parent that has Equipment needs?
Are you a parent that has equipment needs? We can assist you with prescribing equipment that can enable you to participate and perform your day to day activities including your parenting roles.